If you are looking for term insurance and you have sleep apnea, you have come to the best place:

Are you interested in a great insurer that offers fair rates to sleep apnea sufferers?
For patients that you use what is known as a CPAP machine, securing low term insurance rates can be a challenge. Prudential and their family of insurers often is one of the most aggressive carriers in this area. There are several caveats though and in this post we review them.
Prudential Insurance with Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when a someones breathing stops during sleep. Some people stop once or twice while others may stop hundreds of times. One of the more common solution to this problem is a machine called the CPAP machine.
Prudential Insurance is New Jersey based AM Best A+ life insurer and financial group. Also known as Pruco Insurance they are one of the largest financial and insurance companies in the world. Prudential is one of our favorite carriers for those that have certain mild health impairments.
Getting life insurance when you have sleep apnea is not simple, shopping around is one of your best bets.
About Sleep Apnea, Two Types:
The National Sleep Foundation says that "The "apnea" in sleep apnea refers to a breathing pause that lasts at least ten seconds. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat fail to keep the airway open, despite efforts to breathe. " There is another form of Sleep apnea (Central) in which the "which the brain fails to properly control breathing during sleep."
Therefore there are really two types of Sleep Apnea: Obstructive and Central.
The how and why of this condition is not what this article is about. It is about saving you money. What life insurers want in order to save you money is both a controlled sleep apnea condition and an overall clean bill of health. If you have other medical conditions, than you will want to speak with a life insurance specialist.
Sleep Apnea's other Health Issue:
If you are one of the millions of people that suffer from this sleep situation, this chronic issue may not be your only concern. Many patents that have sleep apnea, sometimes are also overweight. The weight factor alone can knock you out of best in class pricing. Therefore in order to save on term insurance with sleep apnea, your weight must also be perfect.
If you are slightly overweight, likely you can still qualify for one of the next best pricing rates: preferred.
How to Save on Term Insurance with this Condition:
The underwriters will often want to see a recent sleep study. They will want to know that you using any medications that were prescribed and following all treatments. Often the treatment will include the use of the CPAP machine. They will want confirmation from the attending physician that the use of the CPAP machine essentially solves this sleep condition. In general any recent hospitalizations can be an issue.
On top of all this they want a clean bill of health on all other fronts. Including your body weight.
How to Save Money on Term
Insurance with Sleep Apnea
Saving Money on Life Insurance when you have Sleep Apnea may not be simple. Follow these simple steps to see if you can.
If you are like many Americans you may be wondering, how will the insurer (Prudential) know that I have this condition? The short answer to the question is that they will know, so please do not lie. The longer answer is that when you apply for term insurance through prudential they will contact your physician to receive medical and other records. (Pruco will of course get your permission to do this.) They will look through all of your prescription records. If you have more than one doctor, which is not uncommon now a days, they they will speak with the other docs too.
Insurers do this to fully understand who they are writing life insurance on. In the past fifty or so years term insurance prices have come way down. This is due in part because of better and more in depth medical underwriting.
Why Prudential is a great Solution with Sleep Apnea:
Exactly why prudential is open to this condition does not matter but they are. They have underwriters that accept well treated sleep apnea at a far better health classification than their competitors. The difference of one or two health levels can save you potentially hundreds of dollars per year.
You now have the information, the Choice is Yours.
Questions About Term Insurance through Prudential when you have Sleep Apnea:
Do you have questions of your own? Please kindly send them along to us either via email or add it to the content box below:
Question: If I have Sleep Apnea, will I be able to get life insurance with Pruco?
Answer: You may be able to get life insurance with Pruco. But it depends. It depends on a variety of underwriting factors. Specific to your conditon, do you use a CPAP machine and when was your last sleep study.
Question: I got the CPAP machine but do not use it... Can I still save on term insurance?
Answer: If you physicians treatment plan 'suggested' that you use the CPAP machine nightly then you should do that. From a life insurer standpoint, they want you to fully use the treatments prescribed.
Question: I have both Sleep Apnea and I am overweight, What should I do to get term insurance?
Answer: Thank you for your detailed question. It really depends on "how overweight" you are. We will need specifics of height and weight. In addition to your details on your sleep apnea. Depending on which issue is more severe the solution can go in one direction or the other. Call us to review your exact case and we can help you out.
scott @ marindependent.com
Conclusion of Prudential and Sleep Apnea:
Prudential (Pruco) is a great insurer if you have well controlled sleep apnea and few other medical issues. Their rates are quiet hard to beat if you qualify. Prudential and one other company that I work with are often the go to carriers for more mild impairments such as this sleep condition.
If you do not have well controlled sleep apnea, your possible solutions diminish. For those that have been diagnosed with it but have not sought treatment, or for those that do not follow the regiment - life insurance is typically still available but at an increased cost.
One important note: Always follow your doctors advice. Please do not let anything on this post lead you to do otherwise. Medical information is provided here merely for the purposes of finding term life insurance not for medical or safety reasons.
If you are having health issues please call 911 or visit your doctor.

Thank you for reading or post about Prudential Term Life Insurance and Sleep Apnea.